Our Bussiness is to
Secure Your Bussiness

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STAAS – Security Team As A Service
“Security Team As A Service” is a shared Cyber Security Team Model where a common cyber security team with unique expertise will act as the in-house cyber security team for multiple businesses for a subscription fee per contractual tenure.
The STAAS Teams:
There may be more than one STAAS Team working for a single enterprise. Each STAAS team will be responsible for a specific cyber security service-line.
Ongoing STAAS Services:
Any enterprise availing our APP-STAAS plan will have the following deliverables-
• An Application Security Team integrated in a pipeline with the in-house development team. An Application Security Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing will be performed after development and will be passed on to an Application Security Audit Team (may be internal or part of the service) for quality and assurance.
• Once the product has passed the Quality & Assurance, the portal becomes available to our Bug-Bounty team, where an exact replica of the application with dummy data or ‘business sensitive data flags’ will be available on our Bug-Bounty platform where the crowd-sourced ZeroDollarSecurity registered cybersecurity enthusiasts keep looking for bugs and vulnerabilities in the Application for a success-based reward.
• Any change-request on the application will flow in the same process flow and will be again pushed to the replica application.

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TTAAS – Technology Team As A Service
TTAAS team is a subscription-based model for Technology Services targeted towards any business who wants to focus on their core business and forget about their day-to-day technology operations. The TTAAS team works like a black-box for any business understanding their technology support requirements and wherein this team works to deliver the support just like their in-house technology team would, following all confidentiality, integrity and availability requirements governed by their specific company policies and compliances.
On top of Technology Shared Services, TTAAS solutions may facilitate Product Development, Infrastructure and Digital growth strategies and all Technology Allied Services including maintenance for both in house or IAAS services.
All these services are available for stand-alone Subscription plan or the entire TTAAS model can also be availed by our clients.

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