STAAS – Security Team As A Service
“Security Team As A Service” is a shared Cyber Security Team Model where a common cyber security team with unique expertise will act as the in-house cyber security team for multiple businesses for a subscription fee per contractual tenure.
The STAAS Teams:
There may be more than one STAAS Team working for a single enterprise. Each STAAS team will be responsible for a specific cyber security service-line.
Ongoing STAAS Services:
Any enterprise availing our APP-STAAS plan will have the following deliverables-
• An Application Security Team integrated in a pipeline with the in-house development team. An Application Security Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing will be performed after development and will be passed on to an Application Security Audit Team (may be internal or part of the service) for quality and assurance.
• Once the product has passed the Quality & Assurance, the portal becomes available to our Bug-Bounty team, where an exact replica of the application with dummy data or ‘business sensitive data flags’ will be available on our Bug-Bounty platform where the crowd-sourced ZeroDollarSecurity registered cybersecurity enthusiasts keep looking for bugs and vulnerabilities in the Application for a success-based reward.
• Any change-request on the application will flow in the same process flow and will be again pushed to the replica application.
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